Ideation Tool – Redesign & Interactive Prototype

Previous Iteration


Call for Interaction

Having in mind Mobile Devices peripherals, I set onto creating a more playful interaction. An interaction from the intersection between common gestures in the real world and Mobile Phone's accelerometer.

I've borrowed two playful gestures from daily observations the reflexive spinning and the swift juggling. Two gestures that could be technically feasible and experientially engaging.

UI Redesign

I've decided to simplify the interface towards the new experience. The accelerometer remixes the images, and a tap shows the prompt from a generated text. This text is a computational mix from the description of the objects shown on screen. This way, people can be inspired visually and textually.

Interactive Prototype

The interactive prototype was made in Javascript using Cooper Hewitt Museum's API, a RiTa a toolkit for computational literature and the p5js library. This is where the Interactive Prototype can be experienced.

Through Javascript, I'm retrieving all the data from the Cooper Hewitt Museum including images and text from their online exhibition data base. I clean the information and select a topic, in this case, all objects in the museum related to 3D Printing


Turns out the spinning gesture is one of the blind spots in Phone Accelerometers. This is why, the prototype will only respond to juggling-type gestures

Text Prompt

By retrieving the descriptions from the 3 objects shown in the screen, I create one phrase by remixing the tokens through a set of computational procedures. Every time the images shown change the tokens by which the phrases are created change. 

Even though the prompted phrases have grammatical errors, embracing the computational glitchiness aligns with the overall playful and mind diverting concept of overcoming a creative block.

ReSounding the City

This is a performance made thanks to the Graduate Student Organization (GSO) Grant at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. In collaboration with Daniela Tenhamm-Tejos, Jana L. Pickart and Ansh Pattel we explored body language and psycho-geography in urban spaces. I was the developer behind the Gesture Recognition code. For the official website please visit this link.

With this project I created a series of visual effects that responded to the performer's choreography and the poet's voice and audience interaction. These effects were created in the C++ toolkit known as OpenFrameworks. Here is a sneak-peak of these effects

Performer and Tech Tryout

All Developed Effects

Palindrome Hour Web-Clock

This is a project that celebrates hours that can be read either from left-to-right and right-to-left, same as palindrome text –flee to me, remote elf–. A concept of living symmetry overlaid with pleasing coincidence, and chunks of daily serendipity. 

 I designed & coded this project in Javascript with the creative toolkit p5.js. Hop in, and catch the palindrome hours! Link To Project Here

Previous Iteration

UI Drafts

Translated Code –Processing to OF–

This is a book on Generative Design, and the examples I've selected are oriented towards data visualization. The main limitation with the overall pursue is the underlying library –Generative Design– which doesn't exists in OF yet.

The Processing example used libraries that can be found in OF's addons, which draws the attention to the limitations of pursuing an entire translation of the examples. There's other examples that use theGeomerative example and the Generative Design library that are only available to Processing –or Java based IDEs–. Anyhow, this particular example used a PDF converter and Calendar libraries to export the application's canvas onto images with a timestamp. In the failed attempt I was able to include a calendar addon that didn't end up using in the working one. 

Even though there's a Project Generator that will include whichever addon needed, it doesn't work every time. Since this was one of those times, I ended creating the failed attempt in the same folder of the ofxICalendar addon. To try and  solve one of the primitive drawing elements I sought another addon called ofxVectorGraphics, that couldn't ever got it working on an already created project.

There are primitive functions in OF similar to Processing's, the arc however is not one of them. Instead, there's two ways to go around this. The addon mentioned before, and using an object called ofPath that contains the function arc. After a lot of trial and error I was able to finally get an arc drawn in an isolated project. As any OF project, you have to create the variables and objects in the *.h file and then you can work with them in the *.cpp file. What I came to know, after figuring out the specifics of not filling, outlining, setting the resolution and not closing –to an extent– arcs was, invoking the function needed to actually draw the function. This particularly was completely counter intuitive from the previous programming experience.

After Kyle McDonald's workshop in introduction to OF I learned that the project could be simplified significantly to one *.cpp file. This meant however that I wouldn't  be able to include the feature of exporting an image with a timestamp. Currently this is the working translated project. I would also like to thank AV –Sehyun Kim– for helping me out on how to –again– draw the arcs.

Generative Gesltaltung OF Translation

Taking some Processing code examples from this book, and translate them into OpenFrameworks. The project is directed to anyone interested in learning OF who has previous knowledge in Processing. Not only is there Generative Design involved, but Data Visualization and a new programming language/framework.

This is a book on Generative Design, and the examples I've selected are oriented towards data visualization. The main limitation with the overall pursue is the underlying library –Generative Design– which doesn't exists in OF yet.


NUI BCI Study #1 "Mindwave"


Through this first exploration of interfacing Neurosky's Mindwave I've learned a couple things around EEG and Processing. The current library I'm working with is called Thinkgear, which allows to read different signals (low and high values for alpha, beta and gamma, and delta and theta signals, plus a blinking signal). Besides the annoying bluetooth pairing, this consumer interface is still in the making and Processing's latency doesn't make it easier for user feedback. I'm sure there's better ways of interfacing this to optimize user feedback –other software–, and there should be better consumer EEG devices out there. Nonetheless it has been a thrilling experience to better understand the sine and cosine functions, arrays and libraries. Here's my second draft I've crafted with this curious Natural Brain Computer Interface. The code for this UI Draft can be found in this Github Repo.

UI Draft #1

With the opensource JAVA toolkit Processing, I started exploring around User Interfaces, Time representation and Hover Timing. Hover Timing, might bring intersting possibilities for Natural User Interface such as the Kinect or Leap Motion, where different affordances come into place wtih simple tasks like selecting an element. The code for this draft can be found in this Github Repo


"Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

"Adding the meaningful and subtracting the obvious" John Maeda

Not long ago I stumble across an article called 7 Design Principles, Inspired By Zen Wisdom. In it, they describe the state mastered through composing with these principles as Shibumi and even though it has no direct translation they explain that its meaning "is reserved for objects and experiences that exhibit in paradox and all at once the very best of everything and nothing: Elegant simplicity. Effortless effectiveness. Understated excellence. Beautiful imperfection." This is the beginning for my pursue towards Shibumi Interactive Experience.

This is why, through the homework's brief I began composing by the first two principles, Austerity and Simplicity. This is why when deciding how to compose the portrait, I wonder what are the least necessary elements to perceive a face. Later on, I looked onto adding depth and that's how the overall size composition and hands came about.

Another trait I explored all through the exercise, was to craft the composition through dynamic dimensions. In other words, how this composition have consistent dimensions, regardless of the device it's being used in. In the end, I noticed whenever you're trying to figure out a coordinate in space, it's more effective –as code-crafting– to modify ratios through floating numbers than by arithmetic operands. This is why, everything is created with width and height variables.

I've also started trying another environment for editing code called Sublime Text 2. I find the auto-suggested functions whenever a character is typed appealing, but what has really stand out from the conventional environment is the function parameters auto-filling.

Peru's Pavilion in FILBO 2014

For Bogota's International Book-fair (FILBO) Perú was the honored invitee. Panoramika was commissioned by the Peruvian Cultural Office to create various interactive installations, projection mappings and light designs. I was appointed the creation of one of the three installations crafted by Panoramika. Four screens that would reveal passersby random excerpts from the "Captain Pantoja and the Special Service", nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa's comedic novel.

For the implementation of this installation, I developed patches that visually changed text compositions in Quartz Composer, whenever the threshold of an Infrared sensor was triggered by people. The sensor was implemented in Arduino and interfaced to QC.

VICE Colombia Launch

VICE Colombia started their headquarters in the beginning of 2014. For their launch party they invited Panoramika to create an interactive installation and multiple projection mappings. We created an array of projected eyes mapped onto extruded circles on the wall, that followed viewers. We used Kinect, OpenFrameworks, Quartz Composer and Madmapper.

Systema Solar Live Act


We were commissioned an Interactive Live Show by the Colombian band Systema Solar. With a team of 3 Creative Technologists we developed different real time visual effects. I was in charge for coding the puppetry controls, the audio-reactive silhouette patches and figuring out best UX practices. We created a VJ deck, from the physical rack to the digital patches.


To better understand the puppetry possibilities with Kinect, we figure out how Animata worked. After having a first glimpse, I began this patch from scratch in the live software VVVV. Even though I had no previous experience with Kinect or VVVV, this project was evidence of perseverant work, squeezed wit and sought fortune. By the end, there were 3 crafted puppets of Systema Solar's crew (Johnpri –lead singer–, Walter –lead performer & singer– and Corpas –dj/scratcher–)

The VJ Deck

The rack is composed of 1 Kinect, 3 GoPro Cameras, 7 signal converters, 1 MIDI Pad, 1 Mac Mini, 1 Four-Channel Mixer. These 4 signals are the input for the VJ's laptop.


Video Documentation

Electronic Vote

In 2013 we created an electronic vote system through Android tablets that were remotely activated by a Laptop. I was the UI/UX Designer and Industrial Designer –Cubicle. Our main Design Challenge was to create an election system easily perceivable and predictable –intuitive– enough so grown-ups with no previous experience with mobile devices could vote. It was a successful system that didn't got in the way, with 93% of participation.


I created this storyboard so stakeholders could better understand the sought experience.

Scrutiny's visualization

For the scrutiny I developed this visualization in Processing

Interactive Table – ∏ "Planta Interactiva"—


This project blends the Interactive-Tabletop framework known as Reactivsion, with an engaging way of explaining Biodiesel production. I was the Full-Stack Designer creating the UX, storyboards, 3D motion graphics and Creative Coding like animated buttons and knobs.

The objective behind this exploration is to engage potential new engineering students in an experience that helps them understand what involves any of the engineering programs offered by the faculty. Each of the 4 offered programs at Universidad de la Sabana has a specific narrative within the playful experience of creating biodiesel.

