App Consejero Financiero

I was solely involved in the deliverables presented in this project. The closest methodology I aligned with is Design Sprints, were I de-briefed the given requirement through the 4 Jobs To Be Done provided and redesigned a financial advisor app. There was an initial app-evaluation, domain research, design hypotheses, Golden Path, Product Information Architecture and Mid-Fidelity screen-designs. The Mid-fidelity wireframes were delivered through Figma and Google’s Material Design system.


Artboard 4.png


Artboard 6.png

Entregable 1 — Solución Visual del Home

Entregable 2 — ¿Cómo se llegó a la solución visual?

Entregable 3 — Justificación del Proceso de Diseño

Diagnóstico Inicial – Evaluación de Principios Interactivos

Diagnóstico Inicial — Revisión Tecnológica

Hipótesis de UX


Arquitectura de Información

Electronic Vote

In 2013 we created an electronic vote system through Android tablets that were remotely activated by a Laptop. I was the UI/UX Designer and Industrial Designer –Cubicle. Our main Design Challenge was to create an election system easily perceivable and predictable –intuitive– enough so grown-ups with no previous experience with mobile devices could vote. It was a successful system that didn't got in the way, with 93% of participation.


I created this storyboard so stakeholders could better understand the sought experience.

Scrutiny's visualization

For the scrutiny I developed this visualization in Processing

Enrutate iOS App

Back in 2013 with two developers, we created this Mobile App. I designed the UI including the simplified map of Bogota and the promotional motion graphics. It was the first Mobile Application to interact directly with the map. A more perceivable and predictableintuitive– interaction comparing it with the competition (public transport apps in Bogota, Colombia).